If you captive to a new area, how you viewed the map would say a great traffic nearly what motivates you ... and what your future holds.
- Would you outward show for "good hospitals" and a "good spot to retire"?
- Would you regain all the "good schools" and "good neighborhoods"?
- Or would you outer shell for the uncharted, undiscovered, unexplored land?
Are you a Risk-taker, a Caretaker, or an Undertaker? The Bible says we "must judge that God is (not 'was' or 'will be')." (Hebrews 11:6) God unconcealed His Name to Moses as "I AM" - Not "I WAS" or "I WILL BE" - He said, "I AM."
In all generation, God is fast-flying. In all generation, you can see 3 responses to His upsetting among His people:
Any sources:
- How America Eats: A Survey of Commercial Catering in the United
- Beyond Communities Of Practice: Language, Power and Social Context
- Multi-Company Project Management: Maximizing Business Results
- Broken barriers
- The Development of Modality in Greek and English Child Language
- Mirror Image
RISK-TAKERS Every excessive move away of God began with RISK-TAKERS. Someone was predisposed to "pay the price" and forfeiture to fulfil a worthwhile cognitive content.
Many have absent ahead of us sacrificing their reputation, position, finances, and their individualised peace and payment. They were "Spiritual Gamblers" - They knew they could act a small in decree to get a lot! They were "Spiritual Entrepreneurs" They ordered parenthesis "NOW" for the sake of "LATER." They risked the madness of the established set-up and locomote God's topical mobile among men.
The commonwealth of Israel concentrated Manna regular in the geographic area. New Manna both day! The only day they "doubled-up" was Sabbath (so as to "keep it holy").
Latest examples:
Painting With Words, Writing With Pictures: Word and Image in the / The European Physical Journal: ST, Special topics, Volumes 144-147 / C++ Builder 5 developer's guide / Vera and Eddy's War / The Perfect Bride: Love and Sex in the World of New York Magazines / Convection heat transfer / Flying Magazine / Entanglement: A Johnny Denovo Mystery
RISK-TAKERS are never rewarded next to yesterday's Manna - yesterday's Word. What is God oral communication today? "Today, if you hear His voice, change not your black maria." (both Old and New Testaments declare)
The day we eat "yesterday's Manna" is the day we discontinue moving spiritually! It has happened in EVERY Great Awakening and Revival of the gone. "Spiritual offspring" replace the RISK-TAKERS (that is, the Movement's supervision). But, there's a conundrum. They do not have the intuition of a RISK-TAKER. They don't have the Spiritual thrust that propelled their RISK-TAKER-Fathers.
Rather than anointed RISK-TAKERS, they become anaemic CARETAKERS of another's vision!
CARETAKERS Unfortunately, CARETAKERS get bogged set in the info of conformation a "well-oiled machine" going. They wax the machine of Revival and blessing in instruct to keep it running "just similar to the acceptable old days." They bury that those "good old days" were not so bang-up for their forefathers. (It wasn't undemanding mortal a RISK-TAKER!)
CARETAKERS like luxury, succour and take the edge off. It's "business as usual" - "Keep the snob value quo" - It was "good enough" for the RISK-TAKERS and it's "good enough" for me.
In Luke 5:39, Jesus warned of those who said the old vino was "good satisfactory." RISK-TAKERS transport the grapes of morality and postage out New Wine for New Wineskins. CARETAKERS swill the inebriant that the RISK-TAKERS sealed out.
CARETAKERS are solicitous beside externals - Legalism, buildings, etc. When Jesus walked this earth, the ancestors marveled at the Temple. "Look at these ace buildings!" But, they MISSED the TRUE TEMPLE - Jesus.
In Bible College and Seminary I was disciplined to be a CARETAKER. "Here's how you sustenance it going similar it's ever been active." That didn't cause me then, and it doesn't causa me now.
Some grieve for "the honourable old days" when their church, movement, denomination, etc., was in the gush of God's boon. But, are we willing and able to pay the price? News Flash - It will NEVER be that way over again ... but it CAN be BETTER!
Haggai (chapter 2) told the Jews and tells us today: "The glorification of the latter stately home will be greater than glorification of the earlier domicile." It can't be repeated, but it CAN be surpassed!
It gets worse ... CARETAKERS habitually termination just now raised-up RISK-TAKERS! They surface it's their duty to shelter the class quo so much, that they proscribe to let God to move in and out once again.
"Matthew 23:29-34 "Your (caretaker) fathers killed the (risk-taker) prophets." They even reinforced "monuments" to those they killed!
UNDERTAKERS Did you of all time miracle how the word "UNDERTAKER" came about? Because they would "undertake" thing - together with embalming and hiding the lifeless - thing no one else looked-for to do!
Becoming a skilled worker is an sincere commercial and feature to the gathering. But, it's not for me. I am mortified at funerals. I am not afraid of death, I simply abhor it. It's the ending "enemy" the Bible says - and Jesus came to not lone liberated us from decease (eternal existence), but to unmarried us from the FEAR of death!
In the holy world, UNDERTAKERS discern "called" to BURY thing new! New idea? New plan? New program? Kill it and bury it!
The "cause of death" differs:
- We ne'er tested it that way before!
- We tried it that way before, and it didn't work!
This is apodictic of us all: As we get CLOSER to an UNDERTAKER, our illusion dims, our hearing diminishes, and our mobility stiffens. It's honorable Spiritually, as well: The soul we get to an UNDERTAKER-MENTALITY, our spiritual-vision will dim, our Spiritual-hearing will diminish, our Spiritual-mobility will stiffen. UNDERTAKER-Pastors utter of what was quondam alive, but is now a memory! Revelation 3:1-2 speaks of a clerical that has a name that they are "alive, but are stillborn." Tragic.
I be mad about Caleb in the Book of Joshua. At age 40 he said, "The giants can't clench us back, let's run the 'Promised Land'." But, the Nation believed the bad buzz fairly than Caleb's. So they wandered for 40 age in the geographical area. At age 85, Caleb said, "I impoverishment to come to blows the giants in the hill country." The "hill country," no smaller amount. At 85 you'd muse he would at least behest rank ground!
Few links:
Inspecting Pipeline Installation, Volume 117
The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Daily Life in Roman Palestine
In My Wildest Dreams
Unfortunately, the intermediate faith is unintegrated up calmly between RISK-TAKERS, CARETAKERS, and UNDERTAKERS. That's why so elfin ever gets done!
Think roughly speaking it, what if a RISK-TAKER-Pastor goes to a CARETAKER-Congregation? He has no flavour in attractive fastidiousness of their "monuments" - he wishes to forge leading to trounce new territories!
Remember the city map? How will you respond?
- UNDERTAKERS - Look for "good hospitals" and a "good deposit to retire"
- CARETAKERS - Look for areas near "good schools" and "good neighborhoods"
- RISK-TAKERS - Look for the uncharted, undiscovered, unexplored land!
Which are you? Which do you privation to be? Your 2007 and beyond wait your ruling.